Thursday, April 1, 2010

Back in the game...

Well, it has only been about 3 months since my last post. I honestly planned on updating about once a week. We have had a few minor setbacks and life has carried on. We are back on track and functioning as usual.

Teagan is registered for Kindergarten. She will begin at the end of August. She just finished her first attempt at gymnastics and loved it. We are gearing up for round 2 of soccer season. She hasn't played since the fall, but is eagerly anticipating it and desperate to find out what color her team will be wearing. She continues to take tap/ballet and likes it, but I think will choose gymnastics over another year of dance in the fall.

Landon is knee deep into potty training. We have only thrown away a few pairs of "panties" as he likes to call them (thanks to having an older sister). Teagan is his biggest supporter, mostly because she likes to take part in his reward of mini M&M's. He has had more success than failure, which I try to remind myself of when the going gets tough. He also did gymnastics on Saturday mornings and had a great time. It was his first time taking direction from an adult other than Mom and Dad and after the first class and a half, he was happy to do what was requested of him with big waves and smiles to us waiting on the sidelines.

Taylor and Maya should each have their own paragraphs, but they are still "the babies" and so I will write about them together. They just turned 1 last week and Tyler and I are still looking at each other with the familiar confused look and saying, "We have twins". It never gets old, seriously. They are so sweet and happy and go with the flow that is Teagan and Landon. We are blessed to have them and know it, every single day. I can't imagine our family without their sweet faces in it. Maya is walking about 5-10 steps at a time and Taylor is right behind her as she has been most of their life. It is kind of cute, almost as if because Taylor was born first, Maya will do most everything else first. They are eating everything we are, which is so nice for the budget. If you think baby food is expensive, try buying it x2. The girls continue to be fabulous sleepers, sleeping most nights from 730-630. Taylor loves to play peek a boo from behind the coffee table and Maya has started playing by covering her eyes with her hands.

Tyler and I are enjoying every second of all of these kids, but looking forward to what the future holds, like more time alone for us! We have been so fortunate lately to have found 2 babysitters that we trust and that our kids enjoy. One is for night time and the other day. We really don't get out much, but when we do, it makes it that much more of a treat.

Tyler still loves the job that found him in Utah. We know how lucky we are when he walks out the door every morning that he isn't miserable and that he still in fact has a job to go to with employees, bosses and equals that he truly considers friends.

I am happy, stressed, amused, high strung, exhausted and full of joy every day while I am home with my 4 beautiful healthy children.

I promise I will try to update more regularly...check back in about a month!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Where does the time go? Your kids are growing up so fast (as are mine), we are so glad to have you nearby! Thea is equally excited for soccer with her friends.
