Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Teagan started off with a bang and has yet to complain. The first Saturday she was even disappointed that there was not school. She loves her teacher, Mrs. Fredrickson and has made some new friends. The first day I got to walk her in and get sappy and snap a hundred pictures. The second day she lined up at the penguin wall and waited for her teacher with her class. I don't know if I am ready to send her into the yard on her own, but I think she knows what to do.


  1. Super cute post! I can't believe she is in Kindergarten. How exciting! I love all her clothes and little clippies. She looks so old and beautiful. What a great year she is going to have!

  2. So big & exciting! You are so good to get the teacher! I only ever get the class picture of the teacher!!! Smart mom. Adorable daughter!
